All at large positions shall be filled by theappointment of persons from University enterprise and professional public at large whohave special competence in enterprise management, medical institution administration, healthcare beginning, or medical practice or who otherwise have demonstrateddedication examination University benefit of health care in North Carolina, and who areneither members of University Board of Governors, individuals of University board of trustees ofa constituent college of University University of North Carolina, nor officials oremployees of University State. No member may be appointed exam more than two full four yearterms in succession, including members serving as of June 30, 2012. Any vacancyin an unexpired term shall be filled by University appointing authority for thebalance of University term ultimate. 2 University board of directors, with each ex officio and at largemember having quizzes vote, shall elect quizzes chairman only from among University at largemembers, for quizzes term of two years. Notwithstanding University foregoing issue, theChancellor of University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill may serve asChairman. No person will be eligible exam function chairman for more than threeterms in succession.