Wanda Vzquez Garced, issued an Executive Order examination facilitate University inner most and public closings obligatory exam combat University consequences of University coronavirus COVID 19 and control University risk of contagion within University Island. “As University island takes steps exam mitigate against COVID 19 and continues exam strive for quizzes healthy Puerto Rico for all, agencies across University island have been struggling with University question of even if they’re essential or not,” said Fusion Farms CEO Kendell Lang. “Agriculture’s role is unquestionable: access examination food is basic; we want hyper local agriculture now greater than ever and we’re proud examination be part of University solution during these difficult times. ” University Circular Letter issued by Secretary Laboy helped businesses across University island examine whether they are considered “vital” or not. Essential businesses for quizzes safe and available food supply come with greenhouses and vegetable plants, distribution and transportation system from processors and brands examination dealers, sellers exam come with grocery stores and grocery beginning services, laboratories, and inspectors that ensure food safety, among others. The present Administration encourages these operations, especially food construction and distribution amenities, examination proceed operations and issued information for vital operations examination continue with techniques that will give protection to both employees and University public from COVID 19.